For more information email us at:
PT电子 Band Camp Information
Band and Jazz Camp Application
contact information
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Division of Music
PT电子 Box 3607
Monticello, AR 71656
Facebook: PT电子music

The purpose of Beginner Band Camp is to give beginner band students an introduction to band and help them learn how much fun music can be. Students will learn two-months-worth of music in just four days at the camp. Instruments at the camp include flute, clarinet, trumpet, french horn, trombones, baritones, and percussion. Summer Band camp is a great way to let your child get their “toe in the water” and provides the students a sense of comfort after a fantastic and positive start to the new world of Middle School.
The Junior High School Band Camp is a unique opportunity for young woodwind, brass, and percussion players to experience the band experience outside of their own school program. The camp is structured to improve individual performance skills, while allowing the campers to interact with other young musicians in music and socially. Outstanding band directors from around the country conduct the concert bands. This session provides an excellent opportunity for young musicians to improve their individual performance skills.
Held on the PT电子 campus, high school music campers will participate in rehearsals, sectionals, master classes, performances, and other choice classes, and perform in a culminating public concert. This is a unique and exciting opportunity for high school students to get a head start on the upcoming year by spending a week of intense music study. This camp offers one of the best student/teacher ratios and a staff consisting of the most talented and professional musicians in the country.
The PT电子 jazz camp takes jazz instruction to the next level by providing students the opportunity to play and perform in big bands as well as with small combos. Campers will take daily classes in jazz theory, jazz techniques, and jazz history, and will participate in evening jam sessions where they will get an opportunity to work on their improvisation skills while performing for and with other campers and faculty.
We offer two different tracks for our summer Auxiliary Camp aimed for high schoolers
(and incoming high schoolers). These 4-day intensive workshops are meant to prepare
students for the auxiliary roles in their marching bands.
Drum Major Camp:
During this camp you will acquire skills such as basic and intermediate conducting
techniques, showmanship, fundamentals of marching, leadership skills, score study,
teaching and cleaning drill, and problem solving within many areas of the band.
Color Guard/Majorette Camp:
Our annual PT电子 Guard Camp will teach a variety of skills, technique, and performance
aspects to get your performers ready for their upcoming marching season. We will be
providing classes in movement, flag, rifle, saber, and performance. Our staff this
year is Morgan Frith and Maria Lopez.
All of our camps at PT电子 in addition to the excellent and dedicated PT电子 faculty members
who teach at the camps, you will be taught by some of the finest teachers and professional
performers from across the country.
Camp Activities
Some of the camp activities include: swimming; movies; camp dance; camp talent show;
and an opportunity to play in a student recital. A complete schedule will be available
when you arrive on campus. A Typical Day at Camp
Each day will be filled with music instruction and social activities. A typical day
will include:
• sectionals
• full band rehearsal
• class lessons
• music elective
• recreation time
• afternoon and night activities
Please refer to the Audition Procedures and information for Band Camp form above in the forms section.
The PT电子 Division of Music operates within these buildings:
- The Music Building - Classrooms, faculty offices, Harris Recital Hall, practice rooms, MIDI lab, piano lab, Skype Music Room for online music lessons,
- Performing and Visual Arts Complex (PVAC)
- The Fine Arts Center (FAC) Spencer Gallery and Auditorium
- The Taylor Library and Technology Center (Listening Lab)